Leeds 16-18 Acting Classes

What Can I Expect?

act4tv Leeds hosts a range of acting classes throughout the year for actors who are just starting out on their acting journey to those who are working in the industry. All our tutors are industry professionals who not only care about making sure you are audition-ready and feeling confident on set but they also create a sense of community and a safe environment to learn and make mistakes. Classes are limited to a maximum of 10 students to ensure our students get sufficient time to rehearse, perform to the camera and gain invaluable feedback from their tutors. Students will be sent a link to the footage filmed in class which can then be used to review progress or downloaded and used as you please.

16-18 Acting Classes: Leeds Availability

Tuesday’s: Nathan Graham: 17:00-19:00
We also have an additional class on Sundays if you cannot make our Tuesday class. Please get in touch for more details.

Our Next Classes

Participation in act4tv classes is exclusively by invitation following an audition. If you are interested in auditioning, please apply using the form provided below. We will then contact you to start the application process.

If you are an existing act4.tv student you can book a class by going to Book a Class and entering the password.

Act4.tv classes are by initiation only.Tell us a little about your acting background and why you are interested in Act4 TV
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Marketing Consent
We use your details for the application process to progress your application. We may also email you about other classes or latest news. Click here to agree to receive marketing emails, Our privacy policy can be found here. https://act4.tv/privacy-policy/

Book A 16-18 Acting Class

 If no events are listed, all the current blocks of classes are running. If you are interested in joining our classes ASAP or want us to let you know when a new block of classes is released, please complete the form below.


act4tv Leeds works in 4-week blocks.

1 Block of 16-18 Acting Classes: £60
Includes 4 x 2 hour classes (1 class a week).

You must sign up for a block in advance via our website. It is not possible to buy classes ad-hoc, they must be purchased in a block. Once the block has started, the classes will no longer appear on the website. If, for some reason, you can not make a class on the day you’ve signed up for one week, you are welcome to go to a different class that week providing it’s not full. Please email us to ask about this at hello@act4.tv




Leeds Location

The Old Paint Works
114-118, Burley Road


Nathan has worked in the industry for a number of years now in both TV and Theatre. Throughout the years he has gained lots of knowledge from professionals along the way, which he is now sharing with our students. He has also directed a couple of short films which he is immensely proud of.
His credits include: Platform 7 (ITV), Coronation Street (ITV), Bus Stop Romeo

act4tv is a Spotlight accredited training programme.
This means that after 2 years of consecutive training with us,
students will be eligible for Spotlight.